Finding Enough
Welcome to my new website! I have decided to stop the group program, Healing Your Relationship With Food, I have been facilitating for 14 years. I continue to meet with adults, teens and families dealing with eating disorders in my private practice. The move to doing all my work with individual and family therapy sessions necessitated a change in the practice name. Finding Enough will continue using a non-diet, Health At Every Size, body-positive approach to helping clients heal from Eating Disorders.
I have had some very professional and helpful assistance creating a new logo and website from Weston Bunting He was sensitive to what I needed and helped refine the expansive work I do into succinct statements. This was a great time to reflect about why I love the work I do. Many thanks West!
My plan is to post blog articles more regularly. Writing is not a favorite practice of mine, but I can see the benefit of stretching and getting some ideas stirring with you.